The State of Energy Research Conference • 7–9 December 2021
Join Professor Bruce Mountain, VEPC Director, at #SoERC2021 to hear his talk 'Build-Own-Operate-Transfer hits the retail market: is major disruption on the way?'
The State of Energy Research Conference • 7–9 December 2021
Join Dr Kelly Burns at #SoERC2021 to hear about 'The relationship between household wealth and rooftop solar in Australia'
The State of Energy Research Conference • 7–9 December 2021
SoERC, hosted by Monash University, will provide a snapshot of current innovations, articulate research impact, and showcase collaborations to enable Australia's sustainable, reliable, affordable, and fair energy transition.
7/12 - Dr Kelly Burns, VEPC Senior Research Fellow, 'The relationship between household wealth and solar uptake in Australia'
8/12 - Professor Bruce Mountain, VEPC Director 'Build-Own-Operate-Transfer hits the retail market: is major disruption on the way?"
9/12 - Professor Bruce Mountain will make opening remarks and Chair a panel discussion: Competition between central and decentralised energy supply.
2020 SoER Webinar Series • The State-of-Energy-Research Webinar Series • Thursday 10 December 2020
This second ERICA webinar will explore the economics of energy storage. It is now obvious that variable renewable generation is the cheapest source of electricity production. But back-up in the form of dispatchable storage or dispatchable generation will be needed (amongst others) to ensure reliable 24/7 supply. How much and what type of storage is likely to be valuable? And how does the technical characteristics of different types of storage and their ability to provide ancillary and network services affect attractiveness to consumers and investors? In this webinar, three of Australia’s prominent researchers in this field will talk about the work they are doing to answer these questions.
Join Dr Steven Percy (Senior Research Fellow, Victoria Policy Energy Centre, Victoria University), Dr Jenny Hayward (Research Scientist, Energy Technology group, CSIRO) and Dr Dylan McConnell (Energy systems research fellow, the University of Melbourne Climate and Energy College) to hear more about the economics of electricity storage. Associate Professor Bruce Mountain, Director of the Victoria Policy Energy Centre, Victoria University, will host the event.
For more information click here.
Free seminar: Do Victoria’s households leave less money on the table when they switch electricity retailers?
Monday 23 September 2019, Victoria University
Governments, regulators and customer groups in Australia have urged customers to switch retailers to get better deals. Customers have responded and switching rates are high. This research examines 50,000 Victorian household electricity bills to compare outcomes for ‘switchers’ and ‘remainers’. It finds, contrary to common wisdom, that switching electricity retailer does not greatly reduce the amount of money that most households leave on the table. The seminar will explain our analysis and consider possible explanations for the findings. Participants will be encouraged to contribute their thoughts at this forum.
Presenters: A/Prof Bruce Mountain, Director, Victoria Energy Policy Centre, Victoria University and Stephanie Rizio, Research Officer, Victoria Energy Policy Centre, Victoria University
Free Forum • Energy in Victoria: You Can Go Your Own Way • Wednesday 26 June 2019 • Marwal Centre
Given the election result, what does that mean for Victoria’s energy policy? How do we keep going and accelerate our transition to clean energy? Professor Bruce Mountain will be bringing us a fresh take on new directions for Victoria.
Panel discussion • Monday 26 August 2019 • Victoria University
The AIE Melbourne in partnership with the Victoria Energy Policy Centre is excited to bring together Demand Response Service Providers (DRSP), customers, energy users and key market bodies for an open discussion on the recent Wholesale demand response mechanism draft determination recently released by the Australian Energy Market Commission.
Chair: Stephanie Bashir, CEO and Founder, Nexa Advisory. Panel: Suzanne Falvi, Executive General Manager, Security and Reliability, AEMC; Violette Mouchaileh, Executive General Manager, Emerging Markets and Services, AEMO; Associate Professor Bruce Mountain, Director, Victoria Energy Policy Centre, Victoria University; Kedem Levy, Energy Flexibility Advisor, Enel X; Craig Memery, Policy Team Leader, Energy and Water Consumers’ Advocacy Program, PIAC; and Luke Menzel, CEO, Energy Efficiency Council
Free seminar • Why did wholesale market prices go up so much after Hazelwood Power Station closed?
Wednesday 27 March
Econometric analysis finds that Hazelwood Power Station’s closure in April 2017 delivered an unexpected price shock in wholesale markets. Our research finds that the exercise of market power explains it. This has had a major impact on producers’ profits and consumers’ prices. The research raises obvious concerns about supply-side market concentration and also about the design, operation and oversight of the wholesale market. These merit serious consideration not least in the context of future coal generation closure.
PRESENTERS: Dr Bruce Mountain, VEPC Director and Dr Steven Percy, VEPC Research Fellow
Does renewable electricity generation reduce electricity prices? Please join us for the presentation of the research, and engage in the discussion on the profound policy implications of the report’s findings.
Thursday 6 December 2018
The cheapest megawatt-hour of electricity in Australia now comes from the sun or wind. But does renewable generation reduce electricity prices, and if so, why is renewable generation still subsidised? Our research looks abroad to compare household electricity prices and the contribution of the rise of renewables to those prices. It also studies South Australia over the last five years during which time generation from the wind and sun grew strongly, spot gas prices almost doubled, and the last South Australian coal power station closed. Please join us for the presentation of the research, and engage in the discussion on the profound policy implications of the report’s findings.
PROGRAM DETAILS: Dr Bruce Mountain, VEPC Director, will introduce the study and return to draw out the policy implications of the research;
Dr Hugh Saddler, Adjunct Associate Professor, Crawford School (ANU), and Farhad Billimoria, Australian Energy Market Operator, will summarise the relevant literature; Dr Asli Kars, VEPC Research Fellow, will present the results of her international electricity price comparisons; and Dr Steven Percy, VEPC Research Fellow, will present the findings of his econometric analysis of the South Australian spot electricity market, quantifying the impact of the closure of the Northern Power Station, the large increase in gas prices, and the increase in wind and solar production.