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Research and Insights 2015


Networks continue spending spree, and the customer pays

Bruce Mountain, VEPC Director, Renew Economy, 4 Nov

Battery storage and the challenge for networks and regulators

Bruce Mountain, Renew Economy, 29 Oct

Network polemics: Why ENA is wrong on battery storage costs

Bruce Mountain, Renew Economy, 27 Sept

Networks pricing everyone out of grid: It’s time for competition

Bruce Mountain, Renew Economy, 18 Sept

Solar wars: How networks discriminate against solar households

Bruce Mountain, Renew Economy, 25 June

Grattan’s solar report: The numbers still don’t add up

​Bruce Mountain, Renew Economy, 12 June

Grattan got numbers wrong: Solar policies delivered net benefit of $1.2bn

Bruce Mountain, Renew Economy, 9 June

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